About Me

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After 7 years of dating I finally married my high school sweetheart in Oct of 2009. I had always dreamed of marrying him and starting a family. On February 16, 2011 that dream came true when we welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Colin James, into our lives. I look forward to sharing our joy with you!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

Sweet Potatoes!

It's so much fun watching Colin learn!  He smiles all the time now and laughs when he gets really excited!  He is starting to like looking in the mirror now too.  I swear he flirts with himself!! 
He's also starting to really grab toys and bring them to his mouth.  He does this with his blankets and burp cloths too!  We tried some peaches last week, and he didn't like them.  On Monday I gave him some sweet potatoes and he acted like he didn't like them either.  Today I decided to try again and he LOVED them!  He spit the first couple bites out, but after that he really enjoyed them.  He's opening his mouth for the spoon and everything.  He ate the whole 2 teaspoons I gave him.  Boy did they make a mess though!  I was eating some strawberries earlier and I let him suck on one and he loved that too!  He sucked on it until it became mushy.  I had to make sure he didn't get any of the seeds though.  I'm so glad he's starting to have an interest in eating.  I can't believe he's going to be 4 months old tomorrow.  I'll probably post another blog since he has a check up or I might wait until Friday.  They are going to weigh him and measuring him, so we can see how much he has grown in 2 months.  I think he's going to get more shots.  His 2 month shots went really well, no fever, fussiness, or irritation after.  So I hope these don't bother him either.

Fun in the Sun!

Kevin, Colin, and I went to Kevin's Uncles house to swim on Sat.  We had a lot of fun!  Colin loved the water!  I'm glad he's old enough to enjoy the summer!  Every time the girls would go under water Colin would think it was funny when they popped back up.  He even tried splashing!  It was his first time in the pool where he actually enjoyed it.  We tried a few weeks ago, but the water was too cold, so he cried as soon as his little toes touched it.  :-(  Speaking of little toes!  I had to cut Colin's toe nails for the first time.  They are SO tiny, it took them forever to grow enough to where they needed to be cut.  It was kind of a chore because he was so excited, he wouldn't stop kicking!  Colin has now rolled over 3 times!  I can't ever get it on film though because he does it before I get the camera started...

That's it for today!
Here is a video and some pictures!

Colin being sweet the other day!

The Giraffe his Great Auntie Jamie sent him from Cali!

About to go swimming!

Loving the water!

Sitting with his Great Great Grandma after getting out of the pool!

My chunky monkey watching everyone else in the pool!

Sleeping on daddy's shoulder after having too much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Awww he's sooo cute! Tyler has some little swim trunks too :-) From looking at the pics and they way you describe him his lil personality is very similar to Tyler's. Aww :-)
